Legal Disclaimer
Our Peace Projects dba Mediation Mastery (“Company”) thus makes this disclaimer to explain warranties and limitations pertaining to information on and the use of this website.
Disclaimer Pertaining to Program Speakers, Materials, and Video Recordings: Speakers on Mediation Mastery programs are carefully selected for their knowledge, but neither the Company nor the speaker warrant that the presentations or materials are free of errors, or will continue to be accurate. Opinions expressed are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect opinions of the Company. Statements in the presentations and their materials should be verified before relying on them. Video recordings of live presentations and video recordings on this website may have been edited.
Disclaimer Pertaining to Website Use: The content of this website is intended to convey educational materials and information about mediation and conflict resolution. It should not be relied upon for legal advice; nor does this website or your use of it create an attorney-client relationship between you and the Company. This website is not an offer or agreement to provide legal services to any user. Further, any e-mail sent to [email protected] or any e-mail address listed on this website will not create an attorney-client relationship and will not be confidential. Please do not send us information you regard as confidential.
The Company makes no warranties, representations, or claims with respect to any of the information on this website. While we try to maintain current information, we do not guarantee the currency, accuracy, or completeness of the information. The Company denies responsibility or liability for damages that may result from your access to or use of information on this website.
From time to time, we may provide links within this website that lead you to other sites. Those links are provided for your convenience. Our links to those sites are not an endorsement of any other site or approval of content on them. The Company does not have control over those sites and is not responsible for their content; we do not verify or warrant the information on them. If you go to such another site, you assume any risk of doing so; and you will be subject to the terms, conditions of use, and privacy policies of the third-party site.
You may not use the material on this website for anything other than personal learning and informational purposes. If you wish to use the material for any other purposes, please send your request in writing to: Our Peace Projects LLC; Attn: Legal, 3515 Tanglewood Trail, Palm Harbor, FL 34685.
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